Special Olympics in high school / transition program

I’ve been thrilled with the Special Olympics program offered in coordination with the school district during high school and the transition program following graduation. The program offers a social opportunity for the kids and special bonds are made.

My eldest participates in the program since he is enrolled in the special education classes. My youngest is mainstreamed into neurotypical high school with an IEP so he participates in neurotypical after school activities.

The first few years of high school my eldest would attend the Special Olympics practices but was not fully engaged. He was fickle from one week to the next if he wanted to attend. He hadn’t reached that level of social development to find the social rewards of the program. He also didn’t fully comprehend the sports and would for example ignore the ball when it came towards him during a volleyball game.

By senior year, he started to show more of an interest in the social dynamics of the program and developed a friendship with one of the boys. They would say funny comments to each other and giggle. They would also text message and FaceTime each other during the weekend and make the same jokes and giggle. I was happy to see him maturing socially and wanting that connection.

Now in his second year of the transition program post-high school, he has been fully engaged, keeping close tabs on the practice and game schedule and reminding me of practice dates, times and locations. He’s really happy with the program and it makes me a little sad that he has only a couple more years. There is a Special Olympics program for adults, so we will most likely continue with that program.

I highly recommend the Special Olympics program even if your child isn’t athletic. The social and physical rewards are fantastic. The programs are usually offered through the school district and/or a special needs service in the area. Some of the sports include: volleyball, floor hockey, basketball, soccer and track and field. They have the option to participate in some or all of the sports. There is also a medical application that needs to be signed by a doctor every two years to participate.