Autism and The Nemechek Protocol

My husband came across the book titled The Nemecheck Protocol on Amazon. He was perusing books and Amazon added the book to his recommendations list. He reviewed the summary, online Amazon reviews from customers, and the corresponding website. My husband is in the medical profession and is therefore able to assess medical literature from a professional standpoint. He felt after review, the treatment plan was safe and had the potential to be effective in helping our kids physical symptoms. Both our kids have gastrointestinal symptoms and the protocol addressed GI distress. 

We went ahead and purchased the book and started following his recommended treatment plan that did not require a doctor visit or prescription. The protocol recommends fiber supplements containing inulin, olive oil certified by the California Olive Oil Council, and fish oil. We saw some subtle progress but not anything significant. We concluded that this was due to the kids being older and the treatment plan appeared to be more effective with young children per the website’s discussion board. The next step was treatment with a prescribed antibiotic – Rifaximin. Dr. Nemechek requires a visit to his office in Arizona for a prescription but he also suggests in his online forum that you may be able to find a doctor that will prescribe the antibiotic after reviewing his studies. Luckily we did find a pediatrician that was open to reviewing the protocol and prescribed both boys Rifaximin. The antibiotic did make a subtle difference and we saw improvement with anxiety and bowel symptoms. The next step beyond the antibiotic is vagus nerve stimulation. We took this next step and ordered the stimulator that connects to your phone. We also saw improvement with this method.

Even with all these steps of treatment our kids are still autistic but we feel it gives them extra support physically so their symptoms are not as severe. Our 19 year old suffers from severe constipation and the protocol helps him have more regular movements. Our 16 yr old has issues with flatulence and the protocol seems to calm this.

We understand the protocol can appear controversial and we never expected a cure but the medical based methodology gives us comfort that the treatments are safe. 

Feel free to review and comment below. We are open to hearing from other parents and their experiences with The Nemechek Protocol.

The link to The Nemechek Protocol website: